Look at this pho-FRAME!

“Framing essentially involves selection and salience. To frame is to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described.”

Entman R. [1993]

MY VERSION: Framing involves selecting an element/s of a perceived reality and then projecting this component to become the salient feature. This is choreographed in a way to communicate the message to promote a particular perception.

  • (Essentially, it is choosing which aspect of the message you want to communicate and highlighting it a particular way).

As a result of emergent media individuals are given an increased ability to frame their lives however, they want.

In the age of social media and the pressure to lead ‘perfect’ lives. Intentional or not, a large majority of individuals frame their lives a specific way in order, to convey a particular message. As a result, a social media movement has become more popular recently where individuals post pictures of themselves titled ‘Instagram vs Reality’.

This highlights how not everything or everyone appears the same as it is framed online and it also portrays the various ways in which an individual may frame themselves. For example, some adopt a certain ‘aesthetic’, others may pose or convey themself a particular way.


Twitter: simplysez

Instagram: sarahcreecy

Youtube: Simply Sez

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2 thoughts on “Look at this pho-FRAME!

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  1. I lowkey snorted at the Nickelback pic (lies I spat up a lung laughing). I love your take on framing and how easy it is for individuals to create a ‘perfect life’ online. In terms of social media, you definitely see a large number of celebrities that use framing in order for promotional goals and such (●´ω`●)

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