The life of a YouTuber: Copyright struggles

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects the original expression of ideas. It enables creators to manage how their content is used.

Commentary YouTubers generally fall under fair use within Copyright law as they are generally within the categories of either; criticism, review, parody or satire. Consequently, when these YouTubers face punishments when they fall under fair use there is obviously some confusion and anger caused.

How this YouTuber beat copyright claims:

In the case of one of my favourite YouTubers, Danny Gonzalez he faced many complications, due to Copyright claims that were actually inaccurate.

In his video Danny explains that he experienced a lot of difficulty with a company taking down his video as a result of copyright, however the video actually falls under fair use as he provides satire and criticism over the movie and does not include the entire movies just small sections. As a result, his video was initially taken down, Danny disputed this however, the video was then blocked in certain countries. As a result, Danny attempted a course of action he previously used in one of these situations, tweeting that he was “reviewing his legal options”.

Consequently, the company then dropped the copyright claim almost immediately.

Another problem Danny experienced was that a lot of his videos got copyright claimed for using a section of a song at the end. He actually used a remix of the song they claimed he copyrighted however, Danny had to go through all of those videos and manually change the songs post-upload to free ones on YouTube editor (this process took around 2 days).

As a result, Danny created his own song ‘This Video is Over Now’ and plays this at the end of each of his videos so he can no longer fear being incorrectly copyrighted.

In addition, the introduction of Article 13 in EU regulation is said to have adverse effects on content creators on YouTube.


Twitter: simplysez

Instagram: sarahcreecy

Youtube: Simply Sez

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