China’s social credit system is EXACTLY like Black Mirror

Black Mirror, Season 3, Episode 1 → Nosedive

This episode follows Lacie Pound a woman who lives in a society where everyone rates each other on a scale from 1-5. These ratings are either on their interactions with one another or through ratings on activities they have shared. Ratings are extremely significant as they influence an individual’s socioeconomic status greatly.

China’s social credit system

This system utilises facial recognition, surveillance cameras and other means of technology to monitor Chinese citizens. Individuals are given ever changing, credit amounts which adversely affect what they can do, benefits or disadvantages they may receive and how they are viewed.

There citizens are awarded for ‘good’ behaviour, for example buying diapers suggest responsibility and results in additional credits being awarded. As a consequence ‘bad’ citizens are ‘blacklisted’.

How is this system like Black Mirror?

The parallels between the two are crazy.

In the episode Lacie is unable to be waitlisted for a flight as she is 4.18 instead of a 4.2. In China, if your credit makes you a ‘bad’ citizen you are banned from all flying until your credit is improved.

In the episode Lacie cannot afford an apartment however, finds out she could receive a 20% if she becomes a 4.5. Similarly, ‘model’ citizens in China are awarded perks and benefits such as, lower mortgages and preferential credit card treatment.

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2 thoughts on “China’s social credit system is EXACTLY like Black Mirror

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  1. I love the way you set out your post and compared the two ideas it really put into the perspective how similar black mirror is to china, and its honestly really scary! your post was really engaging and easy to read I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the meme’s as well. really great work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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