Totally in love with the TELEGRAPH

Before this weeks lecture I never thought I would cherish the creation of the telegraph so much. Ultimately it was this revolutionary invention that has led to the technology that we depend on today. 

Originally, the telegraph confused many. How could you possibly send a message without sending the physical message? To society today this is a normal practice as we are able to communicate through emojis however, back then this seemed quite bonkers. How would a Mum trying to comfort her sick son send her soup through ‘nerves of iron wire’?

Essentially, the concept of extraction of information from matter was foreign until the telegraph as thoughts and ideas could now travel across great distances, separate from reality in a breathless point of time. This is an impressive upgrade from travelling from point A to point B in order to physically deliver a message. 

“This does not imply that people are somehow becoming virtual, but virtually all human actions rely, in varying degrees, on digital information networks.”  

Stalder, F. (2005) ‘Information Ecology’. p62

Personally, this quote made me realise that despite previously viewing the 1800’s as an old time period, vacant of technology that they also relied on digital information networks. I used to just picture tumbleweeds floating across the streets instead of a thriving digital system that spanned globally.  

Essentially, my love for this dead media is very much alive (see what I did there) because it has led to the creation of many technological wonders I very much take for granted today. 


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2 thoughts on “Totally in love with the TELEGRAPH

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  1. It’s crazy to think about how one moment in history managed to have such an impact on todays society. The telegraph being compared to the emoji is an interesting way to relate the new and old media.

    Even just thinking about how much we as a society rely on our phones in our day to day life is overwhelming. I know I use mine for literally everything: alarms, maps, music, entertainment and connecting with people.
    Have you ever just thought about where technology could possibly go?, I come up short every time- hurts my brain to even think about. How do tech companies do it!!

    Liked by 1 person

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