The Mighty Macintosh

Another week, another piece of technology I now appreciate as a result of this weeks BCM206 lecture. Although the telegraph forever has a special place in my heart, I still find myself growing fond of the iconic Macintosh.

Image result for macintosh

Originally unbeknownst to me the Macintosh was actually legendary in it’s own respect. This being as it was the first computer that featured a graphical user interface. With the abundance of technology today it is hard to picture a time when visual interaction with computers was not possible. Attempting to visualise my own mac without features like icons, menus and windows is literally impossible.

Branded as the “computer for the rest of us,” the Macintosh was a commercial success despite abandoning the command-line interface. In addition, the introduction of a built-in screen and mouse also revolutionised personal computing. 

Essentially, these revolutionary design features allowed those unable to operate the text-only command-line interface or individuals without a computing degree to use computers. 

Ultimately, although society has moved past the likes of an old Macintosh into more simplistic designs looking back and understanding the innovation behind this piece of technology and those similar highlights how lucky we are. Most of us take the ability to have a free flow of information not bound by space or time and decentralised and distributed networks for granted. 


Twitter: simplysez

Instagram: sarahcreecy

Youtube: Simply Sez

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7 thoughts on “The Mighty Macintosh

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  1. Hello! I like your focus on the Macintosh as the legendary computer. Its invention was a huge success. I focused on the social aspects of the web and how it was created for social interaction and individuals working together. Great job on your blog post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is great! It’s so strange to see how the branding has changed over time. This commercial is definitely a bit creepy haha now their commercials have no talking, music, some colour, advertising how light the computer is, etc.. definitely some change overtime…anyways, good job! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice bit of writing Sarah! Real interesting to consider the trajectory of consumer technology companies like apple – starting off with simple consumer goods, and expanding into the gargantuan force it’s empire, influence and legacy has become thanks to it’s consumer demand… crazy to think of just how integral apple has been particularly in developing the the planet’s relationship with personal technology.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. A technological icon! It’s so weird to try and imagine what it would have been like using the original Macintosh whilst holding our 2.96 pound (1.34kg) Macbook Air in our arms to uni. Bound by no amount of time, space or in this case weight as well! Funny how we forget and take for granted our freedom when it comes to flow and access of information.

    Liked by 1 person

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