Welcome to the Dark Side of the Internet – Cybercrime

Cybercrime refers to illegal activities when a computer and/or network is involved in either committing a crime or as the targeted object. 

Stephanie Borys explained that, “there have been more than 13,500 reports of cybercrime from individuals and business to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) in the past three months, which equates to one case being referred every 10 minutes”.

(Borys, 2019)

Essentially cybercrime has become an important issue, due to the increased dependence and use of the internet and technology. A vast majority of society in the 21st century is extremely reliant on the internet to operate and conduct day-to-day tasks. An individual is able to simply access banking information or even use their credit card through an app on their mobile device. Personal devices are holding increased amounts of important information. Consequently, if this data ends up in the wrong hands there can be harmful and damaging consequences for and individual or organisation. 

Source: XPRIZE- ‘The Business of Cybercrime’

This video highlights how the world of cybercrime has changed and progressed into its own world of business run by organised crime groups. They are not the stereotypical acne-ridden, teenager hacking in his Mother’s basement, instead they are modern organisations that are accessible 24/7, global, multinational and multilingual. It also states that “the average time to realise you’ve been hacked is 200 days” as the crime happens in the background without detection until it is too late. Ultimately, the legal system is behind the abilities of hackers. 


Youtube: Simply Sez

Twitter: simplysez

Instagram: sarahcreecy

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