The Internet of Things

The internet of things is essentially “connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other)”. Whether it be washing machines, coffee makers, fridges, wearable devices like shoes or simply a mobile phone, if it connects to the Internet then it is considered apart of the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Ultimately, with increased IoT comes even more possibilities for connectivity. However, a common question from users is why is there a need for devices to be connected? This brings into discussion the concept that ‘connectivity is power’. For example, wouldn’t it be ideal if your alarm wakes you up and then your coffee maker is notified to start brewing? Or if you are running late to a meeting and your car is able to send a message notifying the other party? 

Essentially, the connection between as many devices as possible creates an abundance of opportunities for a more efficient way of living. 

However, this increased connectivity leads to security concerns such as hackers breaking in through internet-connected locks. Also, there is the issue of data privacy.

References: (2014). A Simple Explanation Of ‘The Internet Of Things’. [online] Available at: 

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