DA Progress baby! – OP3

The actual making content process for my digital artefact (DA) was enjoyable as I am overall happy with the end product. Despite my joy with my content, the making process did have its difficulties as I needed to figure out how to overcome certain complications. 

For example, in terms of time management, creating YouTube videos is a lengthy procedure as getting ready, filming, editing and posting takes a long time. In addition, I also experienced technical issues such as audio, lighting and video quality consequently in my latest video I did a voice-over, filmed on my phone and during a bright time to deal with these problems.

In terms of technical outcome related to the making process I utilised iMovie to edit as it was a simple, inexpensive and accessible software. For thumbnails, I used Pixlr as it was a free and easy platform to create these images.

My thumbnails


All up for my DA I created four YouTube videos. I previously discussed the first three in my online presence one and two blog posts.

Now for my final video, I filmed a part 2 of my most successful video throughout the entirety of my YouTube channel. As mentioned earlier for this video I did a voice-over in order to deal with audio issues I have been experiencing. I do believe that this made a difference to the overall quality of the video.

In terms of analytics, the video has done alright, not bad, but not amazing either. Although the results thus far are alright it is still early days. I did, however, experience a rise in other analytics such as average view duration and watch time. I attribute to the decision of shortening my video after the decrease in watch time from my last videos.

Overall, my YouTube channel has received a rise in 7 subscribers since my last online presence blog post. Although these aren’t crazy numbers I am proud and happy with what I have achieved as I think these are good results relative to my current position.


Since my last update, I have made and posted 3 more Instagram posts and some stories. These posts received similar results with positive engagement relative to the results I have been experiencing throughout the DA process.

My Instagram posts

I also received positive comments on my posts recently.

As mentioned in previous posts, I am mainly using Instagram as a promotion platform meaning my main goal is getting users to click the link in my bio. Therefore, I believe that I am succeeding in that sense as my main traffic source on YouTube is in fact Instagram.


Twitter: simplysez

Instagram: sarahcreecy

Youtube: Simply Sez

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