Facebook Ad Manager, your marketing superhero!

Marketers each have their own kryptonite. 

Whether it be handling ad budgets, managing ads across multiple platforms or even monitoring performance, Facebook Ad Manager helps defeat all of these villains and triumphs for the greater good of all marketers.

Who is this infamous marketing superhero, Facebook Ad Manager?

Facebook Ad Manager is an all-in-one tool for making ads, managing when and where they run and tracking and analysing their performance that allows for seamless ad management. 

With a multi-platform approach the tool can be utilised for ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network.

Essentially, this superhero allows users to effortlessly manage their ads all in one spot.

3 Super Tips for Facebook Ad Manager!

Unlike superheroes marketers don’t have powers so utilising these tips can help transform your ads from normal to extraordinary by increasing your campaigns effectiveness.

As 53% of users that open a Canvas ad view at least half of it, this ad format is an engaging and effective tactic to create immersive brand content. 

AirFrance’s campaign is an amazing example of canvas ads done right!

Carousel ads provide the opportunity to show up to 10 images or videos. This is beneficial as it provides marketers the ability to deliver 10 different call to actions or links to unique landing pages on each panel of the ad. 

Here are some enviable carousel ads to get inspired by!

2. Use less words! 

Research has confirmed that sometimes less is in fact more as images with less than 20% of text have been found to perform better. So limiting your text or trying a smaller font to reduce the proportion of text to image can help optimise ad results. 

Pro tip! Ideally 20% or less of your image should be text. The more text in your photo the less distribution you can expect.

3. Call to actions are a MUST!

With numerous call-to-action (CTA) buttons available you should take advantage of the buttons ability to encourage users to engage with your campaign.

Utilising these buttons as well as CTAs within your campaign will help performance by boosting interaction with the ad and brand. 

Wondering what a super CTA would be? Take a look at these CTA examples that are worthy of stealing!

Here are some examples of what not to do when it comes to call-to-actions.

Interested in even more super tips? Click here and have a read!

But, what’s so ‘super’ about Facebook Ad Manager?

There are many advantages to adopting Facebook Ad Manager for your business, but here are just a few.

Convenient and seamless ad creation, management and control

One major superpower for Facebook Ad Manager is convenience as it provides users with seamless ad management. One can make ad campaigns, manage ads and analyse how campaigns perform all from the one spot. Therefore, campaigns are easy to track and manage, providing users with complete control

Pro tip! The Ads Manager app allows for users to monitor and manage their campaigns while on the move, wherever they go.  

Marketing objective feature helps optimise campaign results

Another benefit is the marketing objective feature. Users are presented with the choice of 11 different ad objectives, such as brand awareness or traffic. 

The selected objective communicates to Facebook, Instagram or Audience Network information about your campaign goals and the action you desire people to do after viewing your ad. From this information the algorithm will display your ads to individuals within your target audience who will most likely complete that action.

Pro tip! Make sure to choose an objective that best aligns with your business goals, as each objective is designed to achieve a certain type of result.

Precise fine-tuned targeting

Another superpower this tool has is it provides various targeting and retargeting options so that users can display their campaign to a specific, narrowly defined audience. 

You get to decide precisely who views you ad based on a plethora of different factors such as:

  • location
  • interests
  • age
  • behaviour
  • gender
  • connections
  • education
  • languages

Custom Audience

A Custom Audience is an ad targeting feature that allows users to target their ads to a precise group of people that have already interacted with the brand. As Facebook states, it “lets you find your existing audiences among people who are on Facebook ”.

So you can target your ads using data gathered from your own website, engagement, app or customer lists.

Test which ads performs better

A/B testing can be your trusty sidekick as it allows you to see which ad performs most effectively for your business objectives. This optimises campaign results as it will allow you to discover the best target audience, placements, creative or product sets and delivery optimisation for your campaigns. 

For a complete, in-depth guide to Facebook Ad Manager click this link!

So how do these ‘superpowers’ help my digital marketing performance?

If you aren’t already yelling “Marketers assemble!” from your office chair after reading the above advantages below are some more points about how Facebook Ad Manager can positively impact your digital marketing performance. 

Marketing objectives boosts performance

For starters it allows users to choose a marketing objective. This can improve digital marketing performance as the platform will prioritise showing the business’ ads to individuals that will most likely achieve the action they want. 

This improves performance as the ad will be displayed to the most suitable audience for the business’ desired objective and goal, hence increasing campaign effectiveness and optimising results. 

Targeting is critical

The ability to precisely target audiences allows you to narrowly define and target their ideal consumer. Effectively targeting the right consumer makes a world of a difference in terms of digital marketing performance as if your ads are reaching the right audience your campaign performance improves. 

Custom Audience is a game changer

As a Custom Audience allows businesses to target people who have already engaged with the brand it can improve digital marketing performance. This feature allows businesses to take a direct marketing approach and create ads designed for specific people, therefore producing more effective campaigns leading to improved results. 

Custom Audience also lets businesses retarget ads improving performance as according to research a retargeting campaign performs almost 10 times better than a regular display ad campaign.

Ad analysis increases effectiveness 

As users are able to easily analyse campaign results it gives them the power to quickly identify and then edit a campaign that is performing poorly. Utilising information such as, what’s working or not working from previous ad analysis the marketer is able to adjust and consequently improve their next campaigns performance. 

A/B testing is a major gamechanger for improving digital marketing performance as you are able to identify the most effective ad elements and strategies. Incorporating these into your proceeding ads will then optimise campaign results and performance.

If you want to get started now, below is a helpful tutorial for beginners!

But why should my business implement Facebook Ad Manager? 

Like other superheroes, Facebook Ad Manager can save the day for your business. 

The abundance of advantages this tool delivers will provide you with ease and convenience when it comes to ad management across multiple platforms. 

Better yet, like a true marketing superhero Facebook Ad Manager gives you the opportunity to improve your digital marketing performance and optimise campaign results through its plethora of features.

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This blog post was written by Sarah Creecy. Sarah is currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Wollongong, majoring in Marketing and minoring in Public Relations. Subscribe now to see more insightful posts from Sarah!

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