DA Beta baby!

To begin with my digital artefact (DA) started as a group task where we planned to utilise Instagram and YouTube titled, UOW4Dummies. Our concept was to deliver useful and relatable content to meet the needs of other students studying at UOW, in particular first years. However, our prototypes were met with a lack of engagement... Continue Reading →

Citizen journalism

Citizen journalism refers to “the reporting of news events by members of the public using the Internet to spread the information”. Essentially, the rise of social media has lead to an immense increase in this form of journalism as these platforms are accessible with low barriers to entry.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJNHuooQ_5w This means that legacy media no... Continue Reading →

The new wave of feudalism

In the general perception of feudalism, “a relatively small class (lords) uses a variety of subtle and overt political and economic systems to extract value from the daily lives of the producer class (peasants), who generally have little choice or influence over the system” (Scott, 2018).  Although beginning as a concept within Medieval times, feudalism... Continue Reading →


Unlike legacy media channels, the internet possesses no barriers to entry as it is an accessible platform which users are able to use, engage and work with. Consequently, users have taken advantage of this by now participating in the production of further knowledge and information, instead of only being an audience on the receiving end. ... Continue Reading →

DA Progress baby! – OP1

Ideation is “the design process in which you concentrate on idea generation”. This process is conducted in order to allow individuals to move past identifying problems to then generating possible solutions for their audience or related users. In its essence, ideation involves viewing a broad range of concepts and outcomes in order, to narrow down... Continue Reading →

Culture Vultures

In its essence, cultural appropriation is adopting elements of a culture either inappropriately or without acknowledgement. Essentially, the problem with cultural appropriation is entrenched in the imbalances of power that occurs.  “Whether a particular case is… one of silencing, exploitation, misrepresentation, or offense, what ultimately makes particular instances of cultural appropriation wrongful... is the way... Continue Reading →

Loco over Coco

‘Cultural homogenisation’ has been a concern for many individuals as the idea that media created by powerful countries will replace national and local cultures is a worry. Su (2011) examines this theory and specifically how Hollywood films being global successes ultimately jeopardizes other cultures existence. This being as, Hollywood’s more powerful and dominant culture is... Continue Reading →

Google is using me? :(

Prior to the emergence of liquid labour, assembly lines, factory machines and other forms of industrial labour was the way of life. It was how the world operated, how people made their living and how businesses created their value, because if there was no product or service being offered how else would a business have... Continue Reading →

The Mighty Macintosh

Another week, another piece of technology I now appreciate as a result of this weeks BCM206 lecture. Although the telegraph forever has a special place in my heart, I still find myself growing fond of the iconic Macintosh. Originally unbeknownst to me the Macintosh was actually legendary in it’s own respect. This being as it... Continue Reading →

Pitch it baby!

UOW 4 Dummies is a concept created by Sarah Creecy (me), Samantha Casaol and Caitlyn Perrine in an attempt to create a fun, relatable and useful platform for the students at the University of Wollongong (UOW). The idea is centralised around creating content that will be displayed on YouTube and Instagram which will serve as... Continue Reading →

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