Global Television

Global television has become a way of the world due to the increased flow of communication between countries. Interestingly enough “Choosing National TV: Cultural Capital, Language + Cultural Proximity in Brazil” by Staubhaar, Joseph, D., highlighted that “modern interaction with mass media has produced identities that are already multilayered with elements that are very local,... Continue Reading →

Totally in love with the TELEGRAPH

Before this weeks lecture I never thought I would cherish the creation of the telegraph so much. Ultimately it was this revolutionary invention that has led to the technology that we depend on today.  Originally, the telegraph confused many. How could you possibly send a message without sending the physical message? To society today this... Continue Reading →

Digital Artefact – Beta

For my digital artefact (DA) I decided to utilise YouTube, WordPress and Spotify to deliver music related content to my audience. YouTube: This was definitely the most difficult of the three platforms as it required me to be pushed out of my comfort zone and put myself out in the open for criticism. Although I... Continue Reading →

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