DA Progress baby! – OP1

Ideation is “the design process in which you concentrate on idea generation”. This process is conducted in order to allow individuals to move past identifying problems to then generating possible solutions for their audience or related users. In its essence, ideation involves viewing a broad range of concepts and outcomes in order, to narrow down... Continue Reading →

Loco over Coco

‘Cultural homogenisation’ has been a concern for many individuals as the idea that media created by powerful countries will replace national and local cultures is a worry. Su (2011) examines this theory and specifically how Hollywood films being global successes ultimately jeopardizes other cultures existence. This being as, Hollywood’s more powerful and dominant culture is... Continue Reading →

Totally in love with the TELEGRAPH

Before this weeks lecture I never thought I would cherish the creation of the telegraph so much. Ultimately it was this revolutionary invention that has led to the technology that we depend on today.  Originally, the telegraph confused many. How could you possibly send a message without sending the physical message? To society today this... Continue Reading →

Digital Artefact ideas

With the return of uni comes the return of the dreaded digital artefact. As a former BCM112 survivor I am well aware of the confusion that accompanies this task (my extreme indecisive tendencies do not help either). Anyways all dramatic rambling aside I have been able to narrow down my ideas to two concepts for... Continue Reading →

Digital Artefact – Beta

For my digital artefact (DA) I decided to utilise YouTube, WordPress and Spotify to deliver music related content to my audience. YouTube: This was definitely the most difficult of the three platforms as it required me to be pushed out of my comfort zone and put myself out in the open for criticism. Although I... Continue Reading →

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